

Viewing Hours: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to noon; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed weekends)
* You may not be able to view materials in some instances (such as the temporary closure of our library).

Who Can Access the Special Collection Room?:Faculty, graduate students, or other researchers who belong to an academic research institute


Limit on Number of Material Items that Can be Viewed: The maximum number of items that can be viewed per day is five. Please consult a staff member if you wish to view more.


Required Procedures for Viewing Materials:Please contact us at least one week prior to the date of your planned visit and submit a Special Collection Access Request Form (Form No.1). You may submit the form via email. Please note that we may not be able to grant access depending on the condition of the materials or other reasons.


  1. 貴重資料等の利用に際しては、附属図書館の職員の指示に従ってください。
    When using our special collection materials, please follow the direction of a library staff member.
  2. 適切な取扱いの下で利用し、許可された目的以外で使用しないでください。
    Please handle the materials with care. Do not use the materials for purposes other than those granted
  3. 利用にあたっては著作権、肖像権や個人のプライバシー等、これらに類するものを侵害しないよう留意してください。
    Please ensure that you do not infringe copyright, portrait, privacy rights or the like when using our materials.
  4. 貴重資料等の撮影は、職員の立会いの下に行ってください
    Please ensure that a staff member is present when taking photographs of materials.
  5. 貴重資料等を損傷した場合、原状回復を行うか、又は当損害の額に相当する金額の弁償をお願いします。
    If you damage our special collection materials, you must either restore the materials to their original state or pay an amount covering the damage cost.
  6. この他、貴重資料の利用に際して附属図書館長が必要と認めた条件を付すことがあります
    In addition to the above, other terms deemed necessary by the library director may be added at a later date.

E-mail: tsokinawa@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp


Preservation and Exhibits Section, Information Services Department
E-mail: tsokinawa@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp